- Preferential Slinfold rental charges will also apply to the parents of children who are at Slinfold School.
- The current premises licence will be renewed as from 2nd February, the new licence with the Management Committee as the new Designated Premises Supervisor will be progressed later in the year.
- A paid role of part-time Caretaking will be established and recruited for.
- A ‘Sounding Group’ will be constituted to govern the approach to solicitation of Legacy Bequests.
- Deposits for children’s parties will be variable – set as appropriate to the activities that will take place (eg. painting activities will require a higher deposit than magician)
- Operational Risk Assessment to take place by the Trustees’ meeting in March.
- Floor cleaning and re-sealing will be delayed until after the local by-election.
- New versions of Microsoft Office to be purchased at the advantageous charities’ rate.
- Documented Fire Checks will now be carried out monthly.
Items of interest and information from the Trustees of Slinfold Village Hall;
Archive of items relating to the Hall that have appeared in the Slinfold Magazine; and
Summaries of Decisions from Trustee Meetings.