Slinfold Village Hall
AGM: The Village Hall AGM was held in June and we were pleased to see a few residents attending in addition to the trustees. By the time you read this, the Minutes of the AGM and the Accounts for 2010-2011 should be available for download from the Village Hall website at Trustees: We would like to express our thanks to the following Trustees who retired either during the past year or with effect from the AGM: John Ferguson (moved away from the village); Prue Duncan (who has long represented Parent & Toddlers and Short Mat Bowls); Wendy Coad (Youth Club); Margaret Dunkerton (Parish Council); and Charles Chatwin (Village Cinema).
We would particularly like to thank Charles Chatwin for his work as Treasurer for the past ten or so years. And, although she stood down as a Trustee twelve months’ ago, Barbara Muller has continued to act as Head of House while we look for people to help with the many behind-the-scenes tasks that she has so willingly and readily undertaken for very many years. Thank you Barbara for all the many hours and much effort that you have put in since time (almost!) immemorial to help keep the Hall running smoothly.
New Trustees: We are pleased to welcome three new Trustees: Monica Edmonds (representing the Parish Council); Nick Shields (Short Mat Bowls); and David Thompson, who took over from Charles as Treasurer from 1st April 2011.
Rental Charges: The AGM decided that, despite there being a small operational deficit and given the financial constraints facing us all, we should keep rental charges unchanged at present.
At the July Trustees’ Meeting, the Trustees re-elected Neil Peachey as Chairman, and Trevor Dayneswood as Vice-chairman.
Finally, you should soon see a new brass plaque in the entrance hall acknowledging — some 10 years’ late! — all those who helped towards the extension and refurbishment that gave us the excellent facilities we now enjoy.
More volunteers wanted
To keep hall rental charges down, the hall is managed and maintained by volunteers. We are now urgently in need of more volunteers to help with various tasks, including checking the hall, preparing it for bookings, odd jobs, periodic maintenance, administration, etc.. Without more volunteer help, we may have to employ a caretaker, which could force rental charges to be raised substantially. If you feel you could help in any way — however small — or would like more information, we would love to hear from you. Further information is available on the Village Hall website at, or please contact: Neil Peachey or Trevor Dayneswood.