The end of January finally saw the end of a 4-year programme to double-glaze, or replace with double-glazed replicas, all the windows in the Victorian main hall. The final window replaced was the large gothic main window, which was originally planned to happen just before Christmas. Unfortunately the storms in December took the roof off the window factory, and the top of our new window too — which then had to be remade.
As the various phases have progressed the difference has been noticeable - with a marked reduction in draughts and a decrease in the time for the hall to heat up. However, as well as energy-efficiency, the improvements will have further benefits - reducing ongoing maintenance, increasing security and improving the sound-proofing of the hall.
Thank you to all the organisations and individuals who have contributed to the funds to do this work over the past few years - Bridge Lunches. Gatwick Airport Community Trust, Grassroots Sussex Community Foundation, Hall & Woodhouse, Horsham District Council — Section 106 Grant, Slinfold Parish Council and West Sussex County Council.
Neil Peachey
Chairman of the Trustees. Slinfold Village Hall